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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

$$$ is not everything

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett has an old-world spiritual message for today's money-rich parents: teach your children values and do not give them everything they want.

Musician and now author Peter Buffett preaches the message in his new book "Life is What You Make it: Finding Your Own Path to Fulfillment". Recently released in the United States, it describes how he wound up a "normal, happy" person instead of a spoiled child to one of the world's richest people.

Buffett, 52, teaches the rewards of self-respect and pursuing one's own passions and accomplishments rather than buying into society's concepts of material wealth.

"I am my own person and I know what I have accomplished in my life," he said. "This isn't about wealth or fame or money or any of that stuff, it is actually about values and what you enjoy and finding something you love doing."

People who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth can fall victim to what Buffett said his father has called a "silver dagger in your back," which leads to a sense of entitlement and a lack of personal achievement.

"Entitlement is the worst thing ever and I see entitlement coming in many guises," he said. "Anybody who acts like they deserve something 'just because,', is a disaster."

But Buffett wasn't always this wise. His own family gave him $90,000 in stock when he was 19, a small sum from such immense financial wealth. After studying at Stanford University, he moved to San Francisco and lived in a studio apartment with just enough room for his musical instruments.

"I was really searching," he said, adding that he began his musical career by working for free writing music for a local television station.

"I was kind of lost, but trying to find myself. It was definitely this strange period where I didn't really know where I was going," he said.


As well his musical passions, the values taught to him growing up and a sense of a bigger picture in life stayed with him during those trying times, he said.

"I was not only not handed everything as a kid, I was shown that there are lots of other people out there with very different circumstances," he said.

Although many people he encounters assume that his father wanted him to go into finance, he said his father accepted his choice to become a musician beginning with commercials then his own albums and composing for television shows and films.

"It was encouraged for a moment when I was open to the idea," he said about pursuing finance. But he added that as he grew older, it became clear the financial world "was not speaking to my heart."

Along with the book, Buffett has embarked on a "Concert & Conversation" tour in which he plays the piano, talks about his life and warns against consumerist culture and damaging the environment.

He said he eventually inherited more money after his mother died in 2004, but by then he had learned his lessons. Now he works on giving back to the world -- another of his life philosophies -- which includes through working for his father's NoVo charitable foundation.

"Economic prosperity may come and go; that's just how it is," he writes in the book. "But values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards."

By Christine Kearney Christine Kearney 
Presented by Abdullah

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And Lastly #9: Believe That It Is Easy To Make Money

We have some time or the other heard that we
could achieve what we truly believe in. Having
faith in something will help you achieve it. 

Many people will discard this theory, while some
may have tried doing it but may not have actually
done so and still others who have tried it and
have tasted success through it. 

However, gaining success is not very easy, as you
have to follow the steps in this believing
process and use it in your favor.

Trust It

Answer a few of the questions:

-Do you believe with all faith that there are
various ways to reach your goal and you just need
to find them? -Do you have total faith in
yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you
desire financially and personally? -Do you
completely believe that you will be shown the
right direction at right time and no matter where
you are now, you will reach your destination?

If your answer for many of the above questions is
in negative then it will not lead you to where
you wish to go.

You need to completely believe that everything
will work in your favour. The belief that you can
find an answer for every question that arises
while knowing and believing that you can and you

How to gain such a high level of self-confidence

Start with small steps. Start by targeting small
problems in your daily life like, if you are not
able to find the keys, keep telling yourself that
you will find them. 

When you really find them, you will start
believing in this process. While doing a project
with a strict deadline keep assuring yourself
that you will finish your project within the
deadline and when you have finished the project
you have developed confidence in yourself. By
bringing this change in yourself, you will learn
to be confident about yourself. 

Stop worrying, because worrying is like not
trusting yourself. Sentences like, “I worry
because I may not be able finish the exams”, show
your lack of confidence. By worrying, you cannot
change the situation.

As you start believing yourself in making small
decisions, it will become a habit with you.
Therefore, when you face bigger problems in life,
you know what to do. You have stopped worrying
and are facing challenges with lots of
self-confidence. You know what to do and have the
ability to achieve what you wish for.

Steps for making self-belief a practice might
look easy but you will take some time to achieve
this habit. Financial success depends highly on
self-belief. Without this, nothing will make

Everybody wants to be rich. Some of them have
already achieved this and some are trying to
achieve. Many paths will lead you to financial
success and the meaning for wealth is different
for each of us. No matter how you define wealth,
your notion of wealth will help you achieve
financial success.

Having correct attitude towards money helps you
accomplish financial success. It has its own
presence, identity and power.

Understanding how changing your notion about
money in your situation is very important. 

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Monday, July 1, 2013

#8: Goodwill and Benevolence

Benevolence is very important, whether through
your physical work or by emotions. It is not only
beneficial to the person at the receiving end but
also to yourself. Selflessness can be shown
through various ways.

The Good

When you concentrate on others instead of
yourself, positive energies build up and
situations are created for success. They unravel
themselves in form of unexpected and abundant
positive responses. This may include a change of
behavior from being a miser and mean to
selflessness. Good luck with inflow of abundant
money may come your way with such kind gestures.

A miserly man decided to pay for the education of
his friend’s son, whose financial background was
not so strong. This gesture is out of his
character. Next day all of a sudden he receives
payment for the invoice, which has been pending
for a long time.

(In the above circumstance, the miser understood
the link between forgetting his stringiness and
the positive response he got from life. He also
noted that the amount, which he generously gave,
was almost equal to the amount he received from
the unexpected payments)

Benevolence and generosity

You can bring good luck in your life by being
kind and generous towards others. When an
individual sends appreciation and goodwill to his
friends and different customers he was showered
with good news in the form of money, sales and
other good luck.

Have goodwill at work.

To attract money you need to have goodwill
towards the other people around you as well as
circumstance and situation around you. Goodwill
in your work will attract lots of money into your
life. Out flow of surplus goodwill will create
inflow of surplus money. For example if a
salesman puts his 100% effort in his work, it is
possible that he will experience good luck in the
form of more demand, more work and more
opportunities etc.

This example shows you that the use of goodwill
can be directly related to money and success.

Why do goodwill and benevolence attract money?

Think of money as a force and not a thing. The
force believes in encouraging mutual advantages
and relationship between individuals. Money is
the power for human interchange and

Money can be compared to language. Language
enables humans to interact with other humans.
Think of a person who decides to remain silent
and wants to keep all the words to himself. 

Will this decision help him? Definitely no!
Language itself is for communication. Language
grows and is beneficial only if we use it for
communication. The more you use it the more you
understand it and are able to relate to it.
Language enables a single person to communicate
with the whole society. We do not store language.
Therefore we can conclude that the more people
that use our language, the easier it is to relate
with others. This can be applied to money.

Money is similar to language. When we relate
through money with others, money grows. When we
help others to prosper and try to encourage
success in individuals around us, we will attract
money. Goodwill and benevolence will attract more
money into our life. The more you give, the more
you receive.

In the next lesson we will take a look at how
having faith in something will help you achieve

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