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Monday, February 24, 2014

SPRM jumpa RM20 juta dalam akaun bank polis yang disiasat kerana rasuah The Malaysian Insider

Siasatan selama enam bulan yang dijalankan terhadap 60 pegawai polis yang disyaki terlibat dalam rasuah dan menggelapkan wang membongkar sesuatu yang mengejutkan – seorang pegawai kanannya mempunyai RM20 juta dalam beberapa akaun banknya, kata seorang pegawai kanan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).
Dengan syarat namanya tidak disiarkan, pegawai itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa pegawai kanan tersebut tidak dapat menjawab dari mana datangnya wang dalam banknya itu.
"Siasatan masih dijalankan. Akan ada lagi beberapa pendedahan dalam minggu-minggu akan datang," kata sumber itu.
Sumber juga berkata, tidak mustahil ada ramai lagi pegawai polis yang mengumpul harta boleh pindah atau tidak boleh pindah yang bernilai jutaan ringgit.
"Penyiasat juga terkejut dengan jumlah wang yang ada pada pegawai kanan ini, tetapi kami percaya banyak lagi yang akan kami temui," katanya.
Semua 60 pegawai polis itu, angka paling besar yang pernah disiasat SPRM serentak, kebanyakannya pegawai kanan yang bertugas di seluruh negara.
The Malaysian Insider difahamkan bahawa pasukan yang merangkumi pegawai kanan daripada SPRM, Bank Negara, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, Jabatan Imigresen, Jabatan Kastam, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan polis telibat dalam penyiasatan ini.
Pasukan ini diketuai oleh Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. Disebabkan masalah teknikal yang muncul baru-baru ini, pasukan penyisatan ini dibesarkan.
Sumber berkata, pasukan tersebut akan bertanggungjawab terus kepada Gani yang mengetuai siasatan bagi memastikan bukti sahih dapat dikumpul untuk menjamin pendakwaan yang kukuh dalam mahkamah.
Pada 25 Januari lalu, The Malaysian Insider melaporkan seorang pegawai kanan polis, salah seorang daripada 60 pegawai yang di bawah penyiasatan, merupakan antara polis yang menjadi orang tengah dengan SPRM untuk membantu mengenalpasti polis yang korup dengan janji diberi imuniti.
Dilaporkan pegawai polis kanan itu bersetuju untuk menamakan beberapa lagi pegawai kanan polis untuk menjaga kepentingan dirinya.
"Siasatan sudah berjalan untuk beberapa bulan, dan penyiasat mendapati kira-kira 30 pegawai polis sedang hidup lebih daripada kemampuan mereka.
"Ramai daripada pegawai kanan ini ditugaskan di serata negara, dan dijumpai dengan paling kurang RM1 juta atau lebih dalam akaun bank masing-masing.
"Pegawai ini tidak cuba pun untuk menyembunyikan kekayaan mereka," kata pegawai itu.
Dalam laporan awal, The Malaysian Insider melaporkan aduan daripada seorang pegawai polis yang tidak berpuas hati kepada SPRM yang memulakan siasatan mengakibatkan 60 pegawai polis disyaki.
Pegawai ini didakwa mengumpul rasuah daripada pengendali perniagaan haram di ibu negara. Perniagaan ini termasuk kafe siber haram dan rumah urut serta sarang pelacuran.
Bergantung kepada jenis perniagaan, setiap pengendali membayar antara RM10,000 hingga RM50,000 sebulan kepada polis untuk mengelak diserbu dan diganggu.
Oleh kerana siasatan SPRM ini, seorang pegawai bergelar 'Datuk' dipindahkan ke sekretariat polis di Bukit Aman.
SPRM menjumpai RM6 juta dalam akaun bank 'Datuk' yang disoal oleh SPRM itu.
Bagaimanapun, pegawai SPRM itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa RM6 juta itu hanyalah permulaan sahaja.
Sementara siasatan semakin giat dijalankan, SPRM juga merampas kereta mewah seperti Range Rover Evoque (bernilai RM400,000), Nissan Skyline (RM388,000) Toyota Vellfire (RM450,000), BMW 7-siri (RM800,000) dan Mercedes Benz E-class (RM400,000) daripada suspek.
Selain daripada hartanah dan kereta mewah, polis juga merampas sejumlah wang yang banyak, barang kemas dan emas daripada beberapa anggota polis itu. – 23 Februari, 2014.

Anti-graft task force finds RM20 million in police officer’s bank accounts

The six-month graft probe into 60 policemen believed to be involved in corruption and money laundering has made a shocking discovery – one senior officer had amassed RM20 million in several bank accounts, a senior Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officer said.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officer told The Malaysian Insider that the senior police officer could not account for the staggering amount in his possession.
"Investigations are still going on. There will be more exposes in the weeks to come," said the source.
The source said it could not be ruled out that there are more cops who had illegally amassed moveable and immovable assets worth millions of ringgit.
"The investigators were shocked to discover the massive amount from this senior cop, but we believe there is more to come," he said.
The 60 cops, the biggest number being investigated by the MACC simultaneously in recent times, are mostly high-ranking officers based nationwide.
The Malaysian Insider learnt that the task force comprises senior officials from the MACC, Bank Negara, the Inland Revenue Board, the National Registration Department, the Immigration Department, the Customs Department, the Securities Commission and the police.
The task force is being spearheaded by Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. It was also recently enlarged as the probe deepens due to the technicalities involved.
The source said the task force was directly answerable to Gani whose officers are assisting in ensuring credible evidence is collected to secure convictions in the courts later.
The Malaysian Insider had reported on January 25 that a senior police officer, one of 60 cops under probe for graft, is among several policemen brokering deals with the MACC to assist in fingering more crooked cops in return for immunity from prosecution.
It was reported that the senior police officer and several others were prepared to name several other senior police officers in return for their freedom.
"Investigations have been going on for several months now and investigators have discovered about 30 senior police officers who are living beyond their means," an official had said then.
"Many of these senior police officers, who are based nationwide, were found to have at least RM1 million or more in their respective bank accounts.
"These officers did not even bother to hide their wealth or attempt to do so," the official had said.
In an earlier report, The Malaysian Insider had stated that a disgruntled policeman's complaint to the MACC marked the beginning of an investigation that has resulted in some 60 policemen being probed.
The policemen were  alleged to have collected bribes from operators of illegal businesses in the federal capital. The businesses ranged from illegal gaming cybercafes to massage parlours and vice dens.
Depending on the type of business, each operator paid between RM10,000 and RM50,000 a month to the policemen to avoid being raided and hassled.
Due to the MACC probe, a senior police officer with a "Datuk" honorific was transferred to the Bukit Aman police secretariat.
The Datuk was questioned by the MACC which discovered more than RM6 million stashed away in various accounts.
However, the MACC official had told The Malaysian Insider then that the RM6 million was merely the tip of the iceberg.
As investigations intensified, MACC had also seized luxury vehicles, such as a Range Rover Evoque (worth RM400,000), Nissan Skyline (RM388,000), Toyota Vellfire (RM450,000), BMW 7-series (RM800,000) and Mercedes-Benz E-class (RM400,000) from the suspects.
Besides properties and luxury vehicles, police had also seized a substantial amount of money, jewellery and gold from some of the policemen. – February 23, 2014.

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