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Friday, February 28, 2014

UK and US spy agencies collected millions of Yahoo webcam images - report

UK and US spy agencies collected millions of Yahoo webcam images - report

UK and US spy agencies collected millions of Yahoo webcam images - report

US senators said British and US spy agencies showed a "breathtaking lack of respect" for privacy after reports they had intercepted and stored images from webcams used by millions of Yahoo users.

Files from Britain's communications spy agency GCHQ leaked by former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed how the Optic Nerve program collected still images of webcam chats regardless of whether individual users were suspects or not, the Guardian newspaper reported.
In one six-month period in 2008, the British spy agency collected webcam imagery from more than 1.8 million Yahoo user accounts around the world, the Guardian said.
The data collected, which was available to NSA analysts through routine information sharing, contained a significant amount of sexual content.
"We are extremely troubled by today's press report that a very large number of individuals - including law-abiding Americans - may have had private videos of themselves and their families intercepted and stored without any suspicion of wrongdoing," Democratic US Senators Ron Wyden, Mark Udall and Martin Heinrich said in a joint statement.
"If this report is accurate, it would show a breathtaking lack of respect for the privacy and civil liberties of law-abiding citizens."
They promised to investigate the activity as part of an ongoing comprehensive review of surveillance programs, with close scrutiny to any role US agencies may have played.
"It is becoming clearer and clearer that more needs to be done to ensure that 'foreign' intelligence collection does not intrude unnecessarily on the rights of law-abiding people or needlessly undermine the competitiveness of America's leading industries," the senators added.
Yahoo, which was apparently chosen because its webcam system was known to be used by GCHQ targets, expressed outrage at the reported surveillance.
"We were not aware of nor would we condone this reported activity," a spokeswoman for the US technology firm told AFP in an email statement.
"This report, if true, represents a whole new level of violation of our users' privacy that is completely unacceptable.
"We are committed to preserving our users' trust and security and continue our efforts to expand encryption across all of our services."
Leaked GCHQ documents from 2008 to 2010 explicitly refer to the surveillance program, although the Guardian said later information suggested it was still active in 2012.
The data was used for experiments in automated facial recognition, as well as to monitor existing GCHQ targets and discover new ones, the British paper said.
The program reportedly saved one image every five minutes from a webcam user's feed, partly to comply with human rights legislation and partly to cut down the sheer amount of data being collected.
GCHQ analysts were able to search the metadata, such as location and length of webcam chat, and they could view the actual images where the username was similar to a surveillance target.
In a statement to the Guardian, GCHQ said all of its work was "carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorized, necessary and proportionate".
Voice of Russia, AFP

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Selepas ‘kaum’, mereka mahu hak Melayu dihapuskan, kata pengarang Utusan The Malaysian Insider

Cadangan menteri Kabinet untuk mengeluarkan perkataan "kaum" dalam borang rasmi adalah untuk meyakinkan Melayu agar menyerahkan kembali hak-hak keistimewaan lain mereka, kata salah seorang pengarang Utusan Malaysia hari ini.
Penolong Ketua Pengarang 1 Utusan Malaysia, Datuk Zaini Hassan berkata, cadangan itu tidak mustahil diterima kerajaan merujuk kepada cadangan memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) yang diperjuangkan oleh badan bukan kerajaan (NGO).
“Jika semua Melayu bersetuju, selepas ini tiada lagi tanda bangsa  atau ras dalam mana-mana borang rasmi di negara ini. Puncanya kerana sekarang ini mahu sebut Melayu pun orang sudah takut dan fobia. Maka, perkataan itu perlu dipadam.
“Cadangan itu disokong sendiri oleh seorang menteri Kabinet hasil desakan badan-badan hak asasi manusia. Jika dulu ada NGO yang diwujudkan untuk memansuhkan ISA, tidak mustahil cadangan di atas pun akan diterima,” katanya dalam satu rencana yang diterbitkan hari ini.
Zaini berkata, pada hari ini sudah kedengaran suara yang berani mempersoalkan asal-usul orang Melayu dan mendakwa mereka kaum pendatang.
Katanya, kebanyakan orang Melayu hari ini malu untuk mengaku bangsa sendiri, membaca akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan belajar di sekolah kebangsaan.
“Mereka dakwa Melayu pun kaum pendatang, mereka pun pendatang. Maka semua sama sahaja. Melayu sekarang ini rata-rata hendak cakap Melayu pun sudah malu. Hendak baca dan kepit surat khabar Utusan Melayu pun malu.
“Jika semua orang Melayu Islam bersetuju, maka Malaysia selepas ini akan dikenali sebagai negara paling liberal di muka bumi ini. Tak apalah, lagipun orang Melayu di negara inilah yang sering dituduh paling rasis, paling perkauman,” katanya.
Zaini kemudiannya melontarkan sindiran mendakwa Melayu adalah kaum yang paling dibenci sehingga menguasai jawatan penting dalam syarikat milik bukan Melayu di negara ini.
Katanya, jika orang Melayu masih menjadi kaum yang meminta-minta untuk hidup, adakah kaum lain bersedia menerima kesemua tuntutan tersebut.
“Orang Melayu amat dibenci di negara ini. Adakah kerana orang Melayu menguasai semua gedung perniagaan di negara ini? Adakah orang Melayu menguasai rantaian pengedaran barangan (supply chain) di negara ini?
“Secara peribadi, saya cukup bimbang dengan perkembangan ini atau mungkin orang Melayu sudah tidak peduli lagi, kerana bimbang akan dicap sebagai rasis?” katanya.
Kurup ketika merasmikan dialog pertama Majlis Konsultatif Perpaduan Nasional (MKPN) yang pertama berkata, sudah sampai masanya perkataan kaum dibuang daripada semua borang rasmi di negara ini bagi membentuk satu identiti nasional.
Katanya, rakyat Malaysia masih dipisahkan oleh bangsa dan agama selepas lebih 50 tahun mengecapi kemerdekaan.
Beliau berkata, bila lagi rakyat Malaysia mahu melihat diri mereka sebagai orang Malaysia, bukan atas nama bangsa.
Timbalan Presiden MIC Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam menyokong cadangan Kurup mendakwa ia perlu untuk membentuk satu identiti nasional, mempertingkat semangat patriotisme dan cinta akan negara serta mampu menyatupadukan rakyat di negara ini.
Sementara itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin meminta Kurup menyuarakan cadangannya itu kepada jemaah menteri.
Katanya, semua keputusan berkaitan dasar kerajaaan atau undang-undang perlu dibincangkan bersama jemaah menteri sebelum sebarang keputusan diambil.
Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) sebaliknya menyelar Kurup dengan mendakwa cadangan tersebut satu cubaan menghapuskan hak kaum Melayu yang diperuntukkan dalam Perlembagaan.
Presiden Perkasa, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, berkata cadangan yang dilontarkan itu melampau dan mempunyai niat jahat terhadap bangsa Melayu.
Katanya, cadangan tersebut bertujuan menggugat hak keistimewaan kaum Melayu khususnya dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Ibrahim memberi amaran supaya Putrajaya tidak tunduk kepada cadangan tersebut jika tidak mahu hilang sokongan masyarakat Melayu, khususnya bagi Umno. – 26 Februari, 2014.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Utamakan kestabilan, bukan mandat, kata Daim kepada Putrajaya The Malaysian Insider

Keamanan dan kestabilan adalah dua perkara terpenting yang dimahukan rakyat Malaysia selain agen provokasi yang perlu dihapuskan, kata bekas menteri kewangan, Tun Daim Zainuddin (gambar).
Daim berkata, kerajaan sedia ada bukan sahaja perlu memikirkan untuk mengekalkan mandat sedia ada tetapi juga dasar kepimpinan.
"Undang-undang sedia ada memadai untuk mengawal perkara ini. Jika terdapat pihak yang cuba mencetuskan kontroversi, mereka perlu ditangani.
"Jika ia lambat ditangani maka akan ada pihak cuba mengambil kesempatan," katanya dalam satu wawancara bersama KiniBiz.
Berbicara tentang Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Daim berkata akar umbi dan rakyat mempunyai impian yang sama iaitu mahu melihat kepimpinan yang kuat.
Katanya, Malaysia sebuah negara berbilang kaum dan agama maka terdapat pelbagai isu sensitif berlingkar dalam negara.
“Berdasarkan maklum balas yang saya terima, ramai yang berasa Najib seorang pucuk pimpinan yang rapuh atau kurang tegas.
“Sebagai pemimpin, beliau harus tahu mengawalnya selain pasukan terbaik untuk menasihati bagaimana berdepan dengan isu yang tidak boleh diselesaikan secara individu,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, Kabinet yang kuat diperlukan dan mereka yang memahami sejarah Malaysia dapat menjangkakan masalah yang berlaku berbanding terus mengambil tindakan.
Katanya, perancangan yang baik akan memperlihatkan kepada rakyat arah yang ingin dituju dan jika rakyat berasa orientasinya sesuai, mereka akan memberi sokongan.
“Pertama kali dalam sejarah, warga asing dan tempatan melihat secara serius situasi politik di Malaysia. Jika anda melihat orang luar menulis tentang Malaysia, ia bermakna mereka mula curiga terhadap kestabilan negara.
“Rakyat mahu melihat dan berasa selesa bersama Putrajaya sebaliknya majoriti rakyat berasa ada sesuatu yang tidak kena,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kajang pada 23 Mac ini, Daim menyifatkan pilihan raya itu tidak perlu diadakan dan membazir dana rakyat.
Katanya, calon PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim adalah seorang pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak berupaya menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah.
“Anwar sendiri tidak diundi ke dalam PKR tetapi mempunyai banyak pengaruh dan kuasa. Beliau memutuskan apa yang perlu dilakukan kepada pemimpin parti terpilih.
“Sama ada media memuji atau mengkritik, ia membuatkan Anwar gembira kerana masih mendapat liputan,” katanya.
Berhubung isu kalimah Allah, Daim berkata perkara itu tidak seharusnya menjadi pertikaian kerana tidak wujud permasalahan seumpama itu di Sabah dan Sarawak.
Beliau turut menolak dakwaan yang mengatakan Islam kini sedang menerima ancaman sebaliknya menyifatkan ahli politik yang gemar membesarkan isu tersebut.
“Kenapa tiba-tiba bawa isu ini ke Semenanjung Malaysia dan menjadikannya masalah besar?
“Mendapatkan sokongan dengan membangkitkan isu agama adalah perbuatan bodoh. Kita selalu hidup aman damai dan persoalan agama tidak pernah dibangkitkan,” katanya. – 25 Februari, 2014.

Leadership and policies matter, not strong mandate, says Daim

Getting a strong mandate is not the prerequisite for a good government, what is more important is the leadership and the policies, said Malaysia's former economic czar Tun Daim Zainuddin (pic).
Daim cited examples such as British Prime Minister David Cameron, who does not have a strong mandate.
In the 2010 general election, Cameron's Conservative party won 306 seats in a hung parliament. He eventually formed a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats.
It is the first coalition government in the United Kingdom since World War II while Cameron became the youngest British prime minister since the Earl of Liverpool more than 200 years ago.
Daim said former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard also did not have a strong mandate when her Labour party had a hung result in the 2010 general election.
"But it did not stop Gillard from forming a minority government with the support of other political MPs," Daim told business news portal Kinibiz in an exclusive interview.
"In the end, it is not about the mandate, it is about leadership and your policies," Daim added.
Daim served as Malaysia's Finance Minister on two occasions, from 1984 to 1991, and from 1999 to 2001.
Daim said leadership and policies was more important than a strong mandate as in Malaysia, people wanted peace and stability.
"if there are agent provocateurs out there, they must be nipped in the bud. There are sufficient laws to handle this."
"But any delays or procrastination will result in people taking advantage," Daim told Kinibiz.
He described PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as a weak leader who has never been able to solve any problem.
Daim said the Kajang Move was rubbish and a complete waste of public funds.
"Apparently, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has reportedly said that he is not going to resign," Daim told Kinibiz.
"Anwar has not even been elected in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), but yet he wields so much power and influence."
"He decides what to do and the rest of the party leaders, who are elected to their positions, keep quiet," Daim said.
He said Anwar was someone who wanted to be in the limelight all the time, irrespective of whether it was for good or bad news.
"Whether the media praises or criticises Anwar, it is also news for him. He is happy as long as he is in the news," Daim said.
On Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Daim said the grassroots and the rakyat were united in wanting the same thing from Putrajaya, which was strong leadership.
"Based on the feedback which I have personally received, many people feel that Najib, as the country's premier, is not strong or decisive enough."
Trying to get support by raising and highlighting religious issues is silly. We have always lived in peace and the question of religion has never arisen.
He said Malaysia was a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious country, so there were many sensitivities in the country.
"As a leader, you must know how to handle that and you need a good team to advise you on how to handle these issues as you cannot do it alone," Daim told Kinibiz.
"You also need a strong Cabinet and people who understand Malaysia's history, who can anticipate problems instead of merely reacting to it."
"Good planning will indicate to the rakyat which direction you are going to take and if people think it is a good direction to take, they will support it."
Daim was critical of Putrajaya's weakness in dealing with inflation and the agent provocateurs who were seeking to foment religious and racial discord in Malaysia.
"For the first time in history, both locals and foreigners are looking seriously at the political situation in Malaysia," Daim told Kinibiz.
"Everyone wants to know what is happening in Malaysia. If you see foreigners writing about Malaysia, it means they are beginning to doubt the country's stability."
"What everyone wants is a strong leadership but at the moment, the perception among many is that there isn't one," Daim told Kinibiz.
Daim said contrary to interpretation, he was a strong supporter of the government. However, misconceptions arose when he criticised Putrajaya.
"The rakyat wants to see, they want to feel comfortable with Putrajaya. But I feel that the majority of the rakyat feels that something is not right somewhere."
However, Daim said, it was for Putrajaya to make the assessment, not him. He said there were many areas where Putrajaya had shown weakness.
"The rakyat want to know why Putrajaya chose to make most of their inflation-inducing announcements towards the end of last year."
"December is a critical month for many Malaysians because they need money for their children's school necessities and those type of things."
Therefore, Daim said, the consequences and planning of making those price hike announcements towards the end of the year had not been well-thought.
Daim also wondered why the "Allah" issue was being played up considering it had never been a problem in Sabah and Sarawak.
"Why would you suddenly bring this issue to peninsular Malaysia and make it a big problem?" Daim said.
He also dismissed claims that Islam was under siege in Malaysia, saying that it was the politicians who liked to highlight religious issues.
"Trying to get support by raising and highlighting religious issues is silly. We have always lived in peace and the question of religion has never arisen." – February 25, 2014.

Monday, February 24, 2014

SPRM jumpa RM20 juta dalam akaun bank polis yang disiasat kerana rasuah The Malaysian Insider

Siasatan selama enam bulan yang dijalankan terhadap 60 pegawai polis yang disyaki terlibat dalam rasuah dan menggelapkan wang membongkar sesuatu yang mengejutkan – seorang pegawai kanannya mempunyai RM20 juta dalam beberapa akaun banknya, kata seorang pegawai kanan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM).
Dengan syarat namanya tidak disiarkan, pegawai itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa pegawai kanan tersebut tidak dapat menjawab dari mana datangnya wang dalam banknya itu.
"Siasatan masih dijalankan. Akan ada lagi beberapa pendedahan dalam minggu-minggu akan datang," kata sumber itu.
Sumber juga berkata, tidak mustahil ada ramai lagi pegawai polis yang mengumpul harta boleh pindah atau tidak boleh pindah yang bernilai jutaan ringgit.
"Penyiasat juga terkejut dengan jumlah wang yang ada pada pegawai kanan ini, tetapi kami percaya banyak lagi yang akan kami temui," katanya.
Semua 60 pegawai polis itu, angka paling besar yang pernah disiasat SPRM serentak, kebanyakannya pegawai kanan yang bertugas di seluruh negara.
The Malaysian Insider difahamkan bahawa pasukan yang merangkumi pegawai kanan daripada SPRM, Bank Negara, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, Jabatan Imigresen, Jabatan Kastam, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti dan polis telibat dalam penyiasatan ini.
Pasukan ini diketuai oleh Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. Disebabkan masalah teknikal yang muncul baru-baru ini, pasukan penyisatan ini dibesarkan.
Sumber berkata, pasukan tersebut akan bertanggungjawab terus kepada Gani yang mengetuai siasatan bagi memastikan bukti sahih dapat dikumpul untuk menjamin pendakwaan yang kukuh dalam mahkamah.
Pada 25 Januari lalu, The Malaysian Insider melaporkan seorang pegawai kanan polis, salah seorang daripada 60 pegawai yang di bawah penyiasatan, merupakan antara polis yang menjadi orang tengah dengan SPRM untuk membantu mengenalpasti polis yang korup dengan janji diberi imuniti.
Dilaporkan pegawai polis kanan itu bersetuju untuk menamakan beberapa lagi pegawai kanan polis untuk menjaga kepentingan dirinya.
"Siasatan sudah berjalan untuk beberapa bulan, dan penyiasat mendapati kira-kira 30 pegawai polis sedang hidup lebih daripada kemampuan mereka.
"Ramai daripada pegawai kanan ini ditugaskan di serata negara, dan dijumpai dengan paling kurang RM1 juta atau lebih dalam akaun bank masing-masing.
"Pegawai ini tidak cuba pun untuk menyembunyikan kekayaan mereka," kata pegawai itu.
Dalam laporan awal, The Malaysian Insider melaporkan aduan daripada seorang pegawai polis yang tidak berpuas hati kepada SPRM yang memulakan siasatan mengakibatkan 60 pegawai polis disyaki.
Pegawai ini didakwa mengumpul rasuah daripada pengendali perniagaan haram di ibu negara. Perniagaan ini termasuk kafe siber haram dan rumah urut serta sarang pelacuran.
Bergantung kepada jenis perniagaan, setiap pengendali membayar antara RM10,000 hingga RM50,000 sebulan kepada polis untuk mengelak diserbu dan diganggu.
Oleh kerana siasatan SPRM ini, seorang pegawai bergelar 'Datuk' dipindahkan ke sekretariat polis di Bukit Aman.
SPRM menjumpai RM6 juta dalam akaun bank 'Datuk' yang disoal oleh SPRM itu.
Bagaimanapun, pegawai SPRM itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa RM6 juta itu hanyalah permulaan sahaja.
Sementara siasatan semakin giat dijalankan, SPRM juga merampas kereta mewah seperti Range Rover Evoque (bernilai RM400,000), Nissan Skyline (RM388,000) Toyota Vellfire (RM450,000), BMW 7-siri (RM800,000) dan Mercedes Benz E-class (RM400,000) daripada suspek.
Selain daripada hartanah dan kereta mewah, polis juga merampas sejumlah wang yang banyak, barang kemas dan emas daripada beberapa anggota polis itu. – 23 Februari, 2014.

Anti-graft task force finds RM20 million in police officer’s bank accounts

The six-month graft probe into 60 policemen believed to be involved in corruption and money laundering has made a shocking discovery – one senior officer had amassed RM20 million in several bank accounts, a senior Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officer said.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officer told The Malaysian Insider that the senior police officer could not account for the staggering amount in his possession.
"Investigations are still going on. There will be more exposes in the weeks to come," said the source.
The source said it could not be ruled out that there are more cops who had illegally amassed moveable and immovable assets worth millions of ringgit.
"The investigators were shocked to discover the massive amount from this senior cop, but we believe there is more to come," he said.
The 60 cops, the biggest number being investigated by the MACC simultaneously in recent times, are mostly high-ranking officers based nationwide.
The Malaysian Insider learnt that the task force comprises senior officials from the MACC, Bank Negara, the Inland Revenue Board, the National Registration Department, the Immigration Department, the Customs Department, the Securities Commission and the police.
The task force is being spearheaded by Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail. It was also recently enlarged as the probe deepens due to the technicalities involved.
The source said the task force was directly answerable to Gani whose officers are assisting in ensuring credible evidence is collected to secure convictions in the courts later.
The Malaysian Insider had reported on January 25 that a senior police officer, one of 60 cops under probe for graft, is among several policemen brokering deals with the MACC to assist in fingering more crooked cops in return for immunity from prosecution.
It was reported that the senior police officer and several others were prepared to name several other senior police officers in return for their freedom.
"Investigations have been going on for several months now and investigators have discovered about 30 senior police officers who are living beyond their means," an official had said then.
"Many of these senior police officers, who are based nationwide, were found to have at least RM1 million or more in their respective bank accounts.
"These officers did not even bother to hide their wealth or attempt to do so," the official had said.
In an earlier report, The Malaysian Insider had stated that a disgruntled policeman's complaint to the MACC marked the beginning of an investigation that has resulted in some 60 policemen being probed.
The policemen were  alleged to have collected bribes from operators of illegal businesses in the federal capital. The businesses ranged from illegal gaming cybercafes to massage parlours and vice dens.
Depending on the type of business, each operator paid between RM10,000 and RM50,000 a month to the policemen to avoid being raided and hassled.
Due to the MACC probe, a senior police officer with a "Datuk" honorific was transferred to the Bukit Aman police secretariat.
The Datuk was questioned by the MACC which discovered more than RM6 million stashed away in various accounts.
However, the MACC official had told The Malaysian Insider then that the RM6 million was merely the tip of the iceberg.
As investigations intensified, MACC had also seized luxury vehicles, such as a Range Rover Evoque (worth RM400,000), Nissan Skyline (RM388,000), Toyota Vellfire (RM450,000), BMW 7-series (RM800,000) and Mercedes-Benz E-class (RM400,000) from the suspects.
Besides properties and luxury vehicles, police had also seized a substantial amount of money, jewellery and gold from some of the policemen. – February 23, 2014.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be confident in your faith, Turkish writer tells Muslim Malaysians amid Allah row The Malay Mail Online

GEORGE TOWN, Feb 19 — Muslims who are confident of their faith in Islam need not feel confused if others use the word “Allah”, Turkish writer and journalist Mustafa Akyol has said, joining the chorus of dissent from other celebrated Islamic scholars worldwide against Malaysia’s ban on the Arabic word.
The prolific writer, well-known for his liberal views on Islam, told a talk yesterday that such a ban on non-Muslims in Malaysia is unacceptable as no Muslim should feel threatened by those of other faiths.
“If we are confident about our faith, why do we think that we can be confused if someone else uttered the word ‘Allah’?” he said at the talk titled,”Is Liberty An Islamic Value”.
Mustafa was speaking about the row over the use of “Allah”, a continuing dispute that has gone on since 2007 when the government ordered Catholic weekly Herald to stop using the word in its Malay section and the publication challenged the ban court.
The court had at first ruled in the Herald’s favour but the decision was overturned last October with the court ruling clearly stating that “Allah” is exclusive to Muslims.
Mustafa questioned why those of other faiths who have used the word “Allah” have not felt confused by it while Malaysian Muslims appear fearful of their religious freedom being usurped when their non-Muslim friends utter the word.
He said the exclusive practice of an individual’s faith should not be confused with bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
“We should be confident with our own faith,” said the author of critically acclaimed book - “Islam without extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty”.
He added that it is only by conversing with people of other faiths that Muslims are able to develop a more sophisticated culture.
“We should not shy away from learning different cultures and other philosophies but it is our very own defensiveness that makes us so close-minded to everything else,” he said.
“There are Muslims that create this closed society, they will ban outside influences and block the internet but it is a lost cause because the world is different now, you can’t stop the younger generation from being exposed to non-Islamic things,” Mustafa added.
If young Muslims are taught good values and how to be strong in their faiths, it should not be deemed a problem if they are exposed to the world.
Driving home his point that “liberty” is indeed an Islamic value, Mustafa reminded that the Muslim holy Quran itself states that there is no compulsion in Islam.
“The only compulsion comes from the society to make people more pious, to make people stay in a religion,” he said.
The New York Times columnist added that there are many cultures or local customs that have been made “Islamic” in the minds of certain Muslims, even though they are not expressly mentioned in the Quran verses.
Citing female genital mutilation as an example, he said many have mistaken it as an Islamic practise when this was never mentioned in the Quran.
“It was a local custom in North East Africa that became Islamic in the minds of the people,” he said.
He said there are also other Islamic “laws” that came from a fusion of Islam and culture.
Another example is on the topic of apostasy in Islam, which is said to be a crime and punishable by death.
“Again, there is nothing in the verses of the Quran which bans apostasy but there are actually verses that vindicate religious freedom,” he said.
He noted that the Quran did not state that anyone should be punished for apostasy but it only stated that apostates will only be punished in the afterlife by God.
“So, yes, I would say liberty is very much an Islamic value but it is the society and the government that are imposing their values and their interpretation of the Quran on us,” he said.
He claimed that more people are oppressed in the name of “upholding a religion”, the more they tend to move away from it.
“I should be given the freedom to practise my religion and if I don’t get to choose, how am I to practice my faith and follow my conscience in whatever I do? “ he said.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sisi lain Jeneral Abdel Fattah, seorang Yahudi

MUNGKIN ramai yang tidak mengetahui Ketua Tentera Mesir, Jeneral Abdel Fattah al-Sisi yang menyuarakan hasrat untuk bertanding pada pilihan raya Presiden negara itu, yang dijadual diadakan pada April ini, sebenarnya adalah berketurunan Yahudi.
Menurut laporan, yang dipertik daripada tulisan seorang pensyarah universiti di Amerika Syarikat (AS), Dr. Kevin Barrett, ibu jeneral itu, Malikah Titani merupakan keturunan Yahudi yang berasal dari Asefi, Maghribi.
Keadaan itu, secara automatik menjadikan pemimpin tertinggi tentera Mesir itu seorang warga Israel.
Dr. Barrett berkata, sekiranya warga Mesir mahu memilih seorang Presiden daripada keturunan Yahudi dalam satu pilihan raya yang adil, ia tidak menjadi satu masalah yang besar.
Tapi yang menjadi masalah ialah Abdel Fattah telah menyembunyikan identitinya sebagai seorang berketurunan Yahudi dan hubungannya dengan Israel daripada pengetahuan masyarakat Mesir.
Sebelum ini, sebahagian besar rakyat Mesir mengecam tindakan beliau memusnahkan amalan demokrasi di negara itu yang baharu sahaja subur, dengan memimpin tentera menggulingkan Presiden Mohammed Mursi melalui penipuan.
Malah beliau kemudian mengetuai tentera membunuh ramai penduduk Mesir yang menyokong pergerakan Ikhwanul Muslimin yang mengadakan bantahan berikutan penggulingan Mursi.
"Masalah yang lebih besar lagi ialah tindakan Abdel Fattah itu dilihat hampir menyamai tindakan ejen perisikan Israel, Mossad. Beliau bukan sahaja dilihat sebagai seorang yang ganas malah bersifat diktator.
"Jika Abdel Fattah dipilih sebagai Presiden, Mesir secara tidak langsung akan menjadi salah sebuah wilayah jajahan terbaharu Israel dan wilayah terbesar pernah 'ditakluki' rejim Zionis Israel," kata Dr. Barret.
Sehubungan itu, tidak hairan sekiranya Duta Besar Israel ke Mesir menggelarkan Abdel Fattah sebagai seorang wira bagi semua orang Yahudi dalam satu kenyataan akhbar, baru-baru ini.
Elie Cohen
Kenyataan itu dapat dilihat di laman web bertajuk: Israeli ambassador calls Al-Sisi a ''national hero for all Jews".
Wakil kepada Duta Israel di Kaherah itu memberitahu seorang menteri di dalam kerajaan sementara Mesir bahawa orang Israel memandang tinggi terhadap Jeneral Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi sebagai seorang 'wira nasional'.
Menurut Radio Israel, duta tersebut menghubungi Menteri Pertanian Mesir, Ayman Abu-Hadid bagi mengucapkan tahniah kepadanya atas jawatan baharu yang disandangnya.
"Abdel Fattah tidak dianggap sebagai seorang wira oleh rakyat Mesir, namun dia dianggap wira kepada semua orang Yahudi di seluruh dunia," katanya dalam kenyataan di
Dr. Barrett dalam kenyataannya turut mendakwa bapa saudara Abdel Fattah, Uri Sibagh pernah berkhidmat di dalam Liga Pertahanan Israel dari 1948 hingga 1950.
Sibagh turut berpindah ke Israel dan menjadi seorang tokoh dalam parti politik yang diasaskan Ben Gurion, selain berkhidmat sebagai Setiausaha Parti Buruh Israel di Beersheba dari 1968 hingga 1981.
Katanya, kakak Sibagh yang merupakan ibu kepada Abdel Fattah telah berhijrah ke Mesir dalam satu misi yang diarahkan agensi perisikan Israel, Mossad.
Misi itu berakhir dengan kejayaan Mossad menggulingkan Presiden Mesir, Mohammed Mursi menggunakan pasukan tentera Mesir pada 3 Julai lalu, sekali gus meletakkan ejennya Abdel Fattah sebagai ketua di Mesir.
Beliau mendakwa Abdel Fattah merupakan seorang ejen perisikan Mossad. Misinya ialah menyusup masuk ke dalam peringkat tertinggi pemerintahan sebuah negara Islam Arab.
Abdel Fattah hari ini merupakan versi Elie Cohen yang merupakan seorang ejen Mossad yang menyusup masuk ke dalam peringkat tertinggi pemerintahan Syria sebelum ini dengan menggunakan nama Kamal Amin Thabet sebelum penyamarannya terdedah dan dia dihukum gantung di khalayak umum, di Damsyik.

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Dr M: Voting for Anwar is voting for the US Malaysiakini

Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said that Malaysians can vote for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim if they want a "pro-American government".
"If you want a pro-American government, please vote for Anwar (in the Kajang by-election)," said the former premier after delivering a keynote address at the Mahathir Global Peace School event at the Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.
Mahathir said that the idea of Western interference in any countries promoting a regime change was in order to install a government that is pro-US.
"It's the same, whether it's in Syria or Malaysia, the regime change, they want a government that is pro-America," he said.
Earlier, he had trained his guns against western forces for "imposing conditions on democracy", including the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual community rights (LGBT).
"Now LGBT has become an additional condition for democracy.
"But don't expect us to go around naked because that is your freedom (in western countries)," added the octogenarian, who was Malaysia's PM for 22 years.
Mahathir said that western powers are "insisting that every country embraces democracy", which is against the spirit of democracy itself.
"Democracy may be the best system, but you can't force everyone to follow your ideas. They are insisting that everyone becomes democratic, or they will come and kill you," said the 88-year-old, who is a well known critic of western powers, especially the US.
He also stressed that Muslim countries should start being more prepared for war if they do not want to become victims all the time - using the plight of the Rohingya community in Myanmar as an example.
"Muslims used to be so strong hundreds of years ago. They have allowed themselves to regress. They are not learning science, biology - they need to learn how to develop weapons," he said.
"They need to understand that Muslims can only be defended by themselves," he added.
He urged Muslims to "not only think about the afterlife", and start securing their strength in the world as well.
"If they start preparing for wars, chances of them being attacked are lower," he said.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

In latest vitriol, Utusan slams non-Malays as ungrateful, warns them of ‘Malay sting’

In latest vitriol, Utusan slams non-Malays as ungrateful, warns them of ‘Malay sting’

Utusan Malaysia today launched a stinging attack on non-Malays, accusing them of insulting Islam, Muslims and the Malay rulers, and warning them to know their "limits".
In an article by the deputy editor of the paper's weekend edition Mingguan Malaysia, the daily said the "laidback, compromising" attitude of the Malays had led to non-Malays overstepping their boundaries and daring to question previously off-limit subjects.
"Non-Malays have apparently forgotten that Malaysia's majority population is Malays. They have no respect at all for the Bumiputera. Why has this happened? It is because we are too compromising, too afraid to take action against those who have insulted Malays and Islam.
"In the end, it appears as if non-Malays are the landlords and Malays are the tenants, immigrants and the minority in our own country," wrote Azman Anuar in his article entitled "Melayu, Islam dihina di Tanah Melayu!".
"Ever since respected and knowledgeable Malay leaders withdrew several years ago, non-Muslims have become emboldened in insulting the Malay community and Islam,” he said, without naming the Malay leaders.
He said non-Malays appeared to have forgotten that their ancestors became Malaysian citizens due to the Malays' compromise.
"Now that they have prospered and gained a firmer foothold both economically and politically, non-Malays forget that it was given to them by the Malays,"
Saying non-Malays were playing with fire, Azman, who was recently promoted to his current post in the paper,  also accused them of refusing to respect Malay culture, language and customs.
"It is a just a matter of time before the hornets who are attempting to defend their nest against intruders will retaliate."
He said until today, "the hornets have not revealed their sting" as they are merely making noise and appearing to go on the offensive so that intruders would feel apprehensive.
"This is the actions of Malays who are still patient in the face of various provocations. But if pushed further, the hornets will not keep silent.
"If the nest is invaded and burnt just so that the honey can be taken away, Malays will not be so tolerant anymore," he went on with his metaphors.
As such, the paper said the recent cash reward offer by several Malay organisation to anyone who slapped Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, over her satirical online video which angered Umno leaders, was merely a stern warning.
"There are a faction of Malays who are furious and frustrated. While these actions are not what we want to see, but one must take responsibility for their actions.
"Moreover, their actions are no longer secretive and discreet, it is being done openly. Look at the comments in the social media and blogs," lamented Azman.
The article also bemoaned the demise of draconian laws, and slammed Putrajaya for not taking action over what it called were insults to Islam, Malay special rights and Malay rulers.
"In the name of freedom of speech, these quarters who insult Malays and Islam continue to move freely without fear. And they continue their insults and provocations." – February 16, 2014.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Obama to visit Malaysia in April’s Asia tour The Malaysian Insider

President Barack Obama (pic) will seek to ease questions over the staying power of his strategic shift to increasingly tense East Asia in April with stops in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea.
Obama's visits to Manila and Kuala Lumpur are intended to make up for his no-show when he cancelled a previous Asia tour in October amid domestic political strife in Washington.
A subtext to his visit will be rising territorial tensions between several US allies and China, which deepened over Beijing's recent declaration of an "air defense identification zone" in the East China Sea.
Beijing was also angered last week when Washington stiffened its line on territorial disputes in the South China Sea, calling for it to adjust or clarify its claims.
Obama's stops in Japan and South Korea will also bolster close US alliances, at a time of aggravated political tensions between its two Northeast Asian friends.
It was an open secret that Obama would call in Japan in April, to take up an invitation from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who took office in December 2012.
But the decision to add South Korea to the trip came after rising pressure from Seoul and from the Asia policy community in Washington.
The move also reflects a desire to signal to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un that there are no gaps in US and South Korean resolve to counter Pyongyang's nuclear programme and belligerent rhetoric.
It also indicates that Obama is keen to avoid dealing a political slight to South Korean President Park Geun-Hye that could result from a presidential visit to Tokyo and not one to Seoul.
Relations between the two nations were severely rattled by Abe's December visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, which honours war criminals among Japan's war dead.
Obama's Asia itinerary also includes one noticeable exception – a stop in China. But he is expected to return to the region later in the year for regional summits in Australia, Beijing and Myanmar.
The White House said in a statement that Obama's April trip will highlight his "ongoing commitment to increase US diplomatic, economic and security engagement with countries in the Asia-Pacific region".
He is certain to try to push negotiations on a vast Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact that would include 12 nations, and is seen by some observers as an attempt to meet the economic challenge of a rising China.
The president however may encounter some skepticism from regional partners because Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid, a key Obama ally, has expressed skepticism about granting him expanded powers to negotiate trade deals.
In light of Reid's remarks, Pacific Rim nations may be loath to make concessions in the trade talks, fearing that any deal agreed may be modified by the US Congress.
Obama will stop first in Japan where he will meet Abe. Then he will travel to Seoul for talks with Park, likely to be dominated by North Korea's latest maneuvering on the divided peninsula.
Pyongyang is currently fuming at the prospect of annual US-South Korean military exercises starting later this month and that it views as an act of war.
From Seoul, Obama will head to Malaysia to meet Prime Minister Najib Razak to discuss deepening defense and military ties.
Obama's final stop will be Manila, where he will meet President Benigno Aquino and discuss evolving military relations designed to include rotations of US troops in the country.
The White House did not give exact dates for the trip, other than saying it would take place in late April.
Obama has declared he is America's first "Pacific President" and announced a rebalancing of military and strategic resources to the dynamic, fast-growing region.
But the cancellation of his trip last year, and the departure from his administration of big political hitters committed to the Asia pivot like former secretaries of state and defense Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates, have prompted some concern in the region over US staying power. – AFP, February 13, 2014.

Will Taib still be powerful as ex-chief minister?

By Susan Tam | Yahoo Newsroom – Wed, Feb 12, 2014
Politics in Sarawak has been heating up, with its Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud announcing his plans to step down, and possibly assuming the Yang di-Pertua Negeri position. We wondered if there was going to be a difference in the political and economic landscape of Sarawak if and when Taib moves on to his new role.

“We expect it to be business as usual in Sarawak. Taib has been in power for 33 years, he is extremely influential. All the businessmen and politicians owe their profits and power to him, we do not expect things to change,” said Professor Dr Andrew Aeria, a political scientist from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universiti of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS).
READ: Taib names successor, to resign on Feb 28

But, Aeria questioned if the new Chief Minister would have the independence and gumption to implement different social and economic policies from his predecessor. “It was questionable, as all of them (the named candidates) would have owed Taib in one form of another,” he said.

Ba'kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian told us that while the people of Sarawak might want different policies, it would take an 'aggressive, courageous and bold' new Chief Minister to make a difference in Sarawak. Baru, who is with Parti Keadilan Rakyat, concurred with Aeria that Taib's influence was still strong and he could be 'wielding power from behind the throne,' despite the state governor's duties being different from a Chief Minister.

However, Sarawak's political stability might be challenged, explained Aeria.

When Tun Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Ya'kub was the Yang di-Pertua Negeri, Taib was operating independently from Rahman's influence, and was linked to commercial activities. “But there was a fallout between the two in 1987, which was detrimental to businesses in Sarawak.” Aeria asked, what if the new Chief Minister decides to go against the state governor, resulting in repercussions to economic investments? “There is a danger that businesses will make decisions based on personalities rather than rationally thought out risks,” added Aeria.

As the Constitution of the State of Sarawak bars the state Governor from being involved in commercial enterprises, how does this affect Taib's connections linked to various economic sectors? Andrew said, “We all know the rule of law is weak for different personalities, where there is one rule for the elite and another for the masses.” Baru pointed out that those practices have been allowed for past 30 years and would probably continue.

Based on these views, Taib does not look likely to 'retire' from limelight, and other analysts have reportedly stated that his influence was still strong in the logging, mining and infrastructure sectors. Only time can tell if Taib will take a backseat from Sarawak politics.

In the meantime we took a look at the state's constitution and the Civil List Ordinance 1963 to find out the processes involved in appointing a Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

Here's a look at the past governors and Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Sarawak.
1. Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke
Tenure: October 26, 1946 to July 26, 1949 First Governor of Sarawak.

2. Sir Duncan George Stewart
Tenure:  November 14, 1949 to December 10, 1949 (assassinated in December 1949).

3.  Sir Anthony Foster Abell
Tenure: April 4, 1950 to November 15, 1959 (He later joined the Cobbold Commission).

4.  Sir Alexander Waddell
Tenure: February 23, 1960 to September 15, 1963.

5. Tun Abang Haji Openg
Tenure: September 16, 1963 to March 28, 1969.

6.  Tun Tuanku Bujang Tuanku Othman
Tenure: April 2, 1969 to April 2, 1977.

7.  Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Muhammad Salahuddin
Tenure: April 2, 1977 to April 2, 1981.

8.  Tun Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Ya'kub
Tenure: April 2, 1981 to April 2, 1985.

9. Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce Muhammed Noor
Tenure: April 2, 1985 to December 5, 2000.

10.  Tun Datuk Patinggi Abang Muhammad Salahuddin
Tenure: February 22, 2001 (Incumbent)