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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

MH370: Kecewa Lagi. Australia Tolak Dakwaan GeoResonance

on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 
SYDNEY: Pihak berkuasa Australia menolak dakwaan sebuah syarikat penerokaan marin bahawa imej yang ditemui di Teluk Benggala mungkin daripada pesawat MH370 yang hilang.

GeoResonance yang berpangkalan di Adelaide dilaporkan media Malaysia dan Channel Seven Australia bahawa ia mengesan kemungkinan serpihan daripada pesawat berkenaan di lokasi 5,000 kilometer dari kawasan pencarian sekarang.

Pada Selasa, pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata beliau akan mengesahkan maklumat itu dengan Pusat Penyelaras Agensi Bersama (JACC) Australia yang mengetuai operasi mencari itu.

“Lokasi MH370 yang dicadangkan laporan GeoResonance itu (di Teluk Benggala) bukan dalam zon mencari dan menyelamat Australia.

“Operasi mencari yang diketuai Australia bergantung kepada maklumat daripada satelit bagi menentukan lokasi pesawat yang hilang itu," kata seorang jurucakap kerajaan Australia kepada AFP.

Beliau berkata, lokasi yang dinyatakan laporan GeoResonance itu bukan dalam lengkung pencarian yang dirumuskan daripada data berkenaan

“Pasukan mencari antarabangsa berpuas hati bahawa lokasi pesawat itu berakhir ialah di bahagian selatan lengkung pencarian itu," katanya.


PERINGATAN: 1MIM tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komen yang diutarakan dalam laman ini. Ia pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pendirian sidang redaksi kami. Segala risiko akibat komen yang disiarkan menjadi tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri 

As Shariah Court flexes muscle, lawyers warn of creeping Islamisation The Malay Mail Online – 23 hours ago

KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 — Lawyers have expressed concern about the gradual invasion of Shariah law into areas beyond Muslim family matters, a jurisdiction that Islamic courts were not meant to overstep.
Even as the recent case of a custody dispute between a Hindu woman and her estranged husband who had converted to Islam rages on, lawyers pointed out a spate of cases in which Shariah courts have acted beyond the scope of their powers.
Syahredzan Johan, a civil liberties lawyer, said there have been cases where the Shariah court has even attempted to pronounce judgement over corporations.
“This cannot be correct because the jurisdiction of the Shariah court is only exclusive to persons professing the religion of Islam. How can a company be considered Islam?” Syahredzan told The Malay Mail Online.
He cited two cases — a land dispute involving a company called Karambunai Corp Bhd and a property dispute involving Potensi Bernas Sdn Bhd, both of which began in 2007 in Sabah.
According to court documents, the Kota Kinabalu High Court ruled in the Karambunai case that the Shariah court had acted in excess of its jurisdiction by granting orders on the disputed land in Tuaran.
“In the instant case, the Shariah Courts which granted the impugned orders had even contravened the Shariah Court Enactment 2004 (‘the Enactment’). Section 26 of the Enactment clearly stated that they were not empowered to grant orders that affect the property of a non-Muslim,” said the court ruling.
In the Potensi Bernas case, the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak, Labuan, ruled that the Shariah court had gone beyond its jurisdiction by issuing an injunction against a company.
“The plaintiff company consisted of both Muslim and non-Muslim shareholders. The defendant’s contention that the Syariah High Court had jurisdiction over the plaintiff based solely on the fact that Datu Amir Kahar, a shareholder in the company, was a Muslim, was untenable.
Clearly the property was not a personal property of Datu Amir Kahar. It was not even registered in his name. It belonged to the company, which, being a creature of statute did not profess any religion. Only natural persons can profess a religion,” said the ruling.
The Shariah court has also extended its reach to even Christians.
The Penang Shariah Court convicted a Christian Indonesian called Halimah of “khalwat” (close proximity) in 2012.
The Shariah High Court, surprisingly, upheld the lower court’s decision and the case is now pending before the Shariah Court of Appeal.
Syahredzan stressed that the Shariah and civil courts have separate jurisdictions, whereby the former hears personal and family matters for Muslims and offences against Islamic precepts, like “khalwat”, while the latter adjudicates everything else.
Syahredzan noted that the Shariah court was considered “inferior” by some as it was a statutory body created by state enactments, while the civil High Court, Court of Appeal and Federal Court are constitutional bodies created by the Federal Constitution. The civil Magistrate and Sessions Courts were created by federal law.
“It's entirely possible for a state not to have a Shariah court. For you to abolish the Shariah court in a state, all you need to do is pass a state law. So in that sense, in terms of standing, it's not the same level as the civil courts,” he said.
Syarie lawyer Nizam Bashir said that while Shariah and civil courts operate in separate spheres and are “supreme” within their particular jurisdiction.
He noted, however, that the Shariah court appears to have expanded its jurisdiction beyond the limitations set  by the Federal Constitution, notably in mixed-faith custody disputes and the conversion of children to Islam without the consent of both parents.
“Essentially, Shariah courts hear matters which have been expressly defined to be within its jurisdiction. The extent of the Shariah court's jurisdiction can be found in whichever Administration of the Religion of Islam Enactment/Act,” Nizam told The Malay Mail Online, citing examples like inheritance, marriage and divorce matters for Muslims.
Earlier this week, retired Court of Appeal judge Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah provoked uproar with his view that the Shariah court should have jurisdiction over child support and custody disputes between a non-Muslim and the spouse who has converted to Islam, even if the couple’s marriage was registered at the civil court, and thus should open its doors to hear non-Muslims in such cases.
He also insisted that Islam is the pre-eminent religion in Malaysia, citing Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution which states that Islam is the “religion of the federation”.
But Nizam stressed that according to the Supreme Court ruling in the Che Omar Che Soh 1988 landmark case, the status of Islam as the religion of the federation only relates to state rituals and ceremonies.
New Sin Yew, constitutional lawyer with BON, Advocates, said that under Article 121(1) of the Federal Constitution, the Shariah court does not have equal standing with the civil High Court, Court of Appeal or Federal Court.
“It is an inferior court as provided under the constitution, like the industrial court, penghulu court, consumer claims tribunal, and the home buyers tribunal,” New told The Malay Mail Online.
He also noted that the Shariah court had overstepped its jurisdiction in the Indira Gandhi case by granting custody of the couple’s children to the Hindu woman’s estranged husband who had converted to Islam.
“The Shariah court can only grant custody orders in respect of Muslim marriages. The marriage in Indira Gandhi is a civil marriage under the LRA,” New said, referring to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976.
In the Indira Gandhi case, the Ipoh High Court had granted Indira full custody of her three children and annulled their Islamic conversion certificates, declaring it unconstitutional to force a minor to embrace a different faith without the consent of both parents.
Similar to Indira, S. Deepa is also caught in a bitter child custody dispute with her estranged husband, N. Viran, who had converted to Islam.
Last week, the Seremban High Court granted the Hindu woman full custody of her two children ― a nine-year-old daughter and a six-year-old son — while the Shariah Court had given her estranged husband custody instead, after he converted their children to Islam last year without her consent or knowledge.
Datuk Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar, president of the Malaysian Muslim Lawyers Association, said it was a fallacy to perceive the civil court as being above the Shariah court.
“The Shariah court and civil court are at par. Both the courts should be complementing each other and not be competing with each other,” Zainul Rijal told The Malay Mail Online.
“Maybe in terms of remuneration of judges, infrastructure and facilities, yes, the civil court is bigger. But in matters within the jurisdiction of the Shariah court, the civil court has no business,” he added, citing Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution.
He said that Article 121(1A) was introduced in 1988 during the Mahathir administration to prevent the civil court from interfering or canceling Shariah court orders, which had mainly occurred in child custody disputes involving Muslims.
The lawyer noted that in those cases, Muslims who were unhappy with the Shariah court decision ran to the civil court to seek a more satisfactory outcome.
On the contentious status of Islam as the “religion of the federation”, Zainul Rijal interpreted the Federal Constitution as saying that the “Islamic position should take priority against any other religions in Malaysia”.
“However, there is a safeguard here in that any other religions may be practised in peace and harmony. This constitutional guarantee is actually redundant because Islam itself protects and allows people of other faiths to practise their religions. In no circumstances in Islam is a non-Muslim forced to convert to Islam,” the lawyer added.



If you have been suffering from aches and pain in your leg joints, veins, lower back, etc., perhaps you might wish to try this ancient Chinese healing technique. I did not believe it will work either until I tried it out myself...

Ginger is a natural herb for many ailments. However, for some people like me, it could be quite 'heaty' if consumed regularly. Thus, soaking our feet in warm ginger water is the next best bet to try... 

Ginger foot soaks are a great way to end the day. They benefit those experiencing stress, low back pain, menstrual irregularities, poor circulation, low energy, and detoxification. They also promote a healthy immune system.

Method :

Wash about 4"-5" ginger root. Crush it and bring to boil in a small pot of water, then allow to simmer over low fire for about 20-30 minutes.

Get a wooden/plastic basin deep enough to soak both feet together. Fill it up to 3/4 level with cool water. (Tap water at room temperature).

Pour the boiled ginger water (plus ginger) into the above basin and check the temperature. The water must be quite warm but not piping hot.

Slowly place your feet into the water and relax for about 20 minutes. Dry with a towel and apply a foot cream if you wish.

Repeat daily, usually in the late evenings, until the pain lessens, after which it could be alternated. You may also soak your aching hands or prepare a similar body bath.

Note :

I believe that fresh ginger root works best but if it is not available, then you may use 2 tbsp ginger powder.

Remain blessed,
Like ·  · 8 hours ago · Edited · 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


[Artikel asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang ditulis dalam blog rasmi Tun Dr Mahathir - chedet semalam dan hari ini telah disekat kerana mungkin terlalu lantang dan bercakap benar mengenai apa yang berlaku kepada pesawat Malaysia Airlines yang hilang - MH370]
MH 370
1. Saya berasa kecewa apabila pekerja MAS dikepung di Beijing oleh ahli keluarga penumpang MH370 yang hilang. Saya juga terkilan kerana mereka menyalahkan pihak yang salah. Kehilangan pesawat ini adalah disebabkan oleh pembuat pesawat Boeing itu sendiri.
2. Mengapakah Boeing mereka pesawat yang begitu lemah dan mudah dilumpuhkan? Dalam keadaan yang sepatutnya, kru pesawat termasuk juruterbang, pembantu juruterbang boleh berhubung dengan KLIA. Walaupun ada kemungkinan juruterbang tidak mahu menghubungi KLIA, tetapi pembantu juruterbang sudah tentu sekali ada keazaman untuk memaklumkan stesyen operasi di darat sekiranya pesawat tidak terbang mengikuti jalan udara yang sepatutnya.
3. Jika sekiranya penumpang tidak perasan apa-apa yang di luar kebiasaan sekali pun, sudah tentu kru kabin, dan pembantu juruterbang dapat mengesannya. Mereka semua amat terlatih untuk berhadapan dengan kes-kes kecemasan.. jika tidak serta merta sekalipun.. setidak-tidaknya kemudian.
4. Tetapi apa yang berlaku, nampaknya tiada sesiapa pun di dalam kabin yang mencuba (maklumkan keanehan/keganjilan yang berlaku). Andainya juruterbang yang dengan sengaja mematikan system keselamatan, sudah tentu ia memerlukan sedikit masa dan usaha. Pembantu juruterbang pula sudah pasti perasan kelakuan aneh juruterbang dan setidak-tidaknya berbuat sesuatu untuk menghalang. Adakah pembantu juruterbang telah turut ‘dilumpuhkan’ (oleh siapa?), Adakah kesemua kru pesawat juga telah ‘dilumpuhkan’ (oleh siapa juga)?
5. Kesemua pesawat penumpang sepatutnya boleh dikesan, walaupun menggunakan teknologi biasa seperti telefon bimbit. Saya boleh lakukannya melalui telefon. Jika ia mendarat, saya boleh lihat status pendaratannya. Saya juga boleh memperoleh maklumat mengenai mana-mana pesawat di mana jua – siapa pembuatnya, model apa, kepunyaan siapa.. ke mana dan dari mana ia terbang dan destinasinya.
6. Saya yakin dan percaya terdapat peralatan di dalam pesawat yang membolehkan ia dikesan – mungkin GPS.
7. Peralatan kamera canggih yang terpasang pada satelit-risikan (di angkasa) yang dikendali oleh beberapa buah kuasa besar dunia sebenarnya mampu mengambil gambar manusia (di atas muka bumi) dan sekaligus mengenalpasti identity manusia terbabit. Sudah semestinya kamera seperti ini lebih daripada mampu untuk mengesan objek sebesar 63 meter (pesawat Boeing)
8. Kali ini, pesawat MH370 telah hilang secara mutlak. Saya jangkakan di dalam telefon bimbit semua orang, ia juga telah hilang. Peralatan keselamatan di atas pesawat telah dimatikan. Malah, sistem keselamatan lapisan kedua dan ketiga (back-up) juga telah dilumpuhkan.
9. Pesawat MH370 ini dibina oleh Boeing. Oleh itu, Boeing patut menjelaskan bagaimanakah segala sistem keselamatan dan pengesan pesawat canggih ini boleh dimatikan, dalam erti kata lain.. gagal. Ini menjurus kepada rumusan samada teknologi Boeing sangat teruk, atau ia tidak selamat. Saya tidak akan terbang menaiki pesawat Boeing , sekiranya Boeing tidak mampu menjelaskan isu terbabit.
10. Sistem penerbangan kawalan jauh (drone) sekarang amat maju dan berkuasa. Apakah benar Boeing telah memasang sistem kawalan jauh ke atas pesawatnya bagi mengelak aktiviti rampasan dan keganasan? Jika benar.. maka kenapa ia tidak dikawal bagi membolehkan MH370 mendarat dengan selamat? Adakah tidak mustahil bagi pihak ke-tiga (selain Boeing dan MAS) mengambilalih kapal terbang dan mengawalnya dari jauh?
11. Apabila pesawat terhempas.. biarpun di atas tanah, mahupun di laut.. sudah pati ada bangkai pesawat ataupun tompokan minya. Sehingga tarikh ini, tiada satu pun yang menjadi bukti terhempasnya pesawat. Persoalannya, bolehkah pesawat terhempas/tenggelam dengan begitu sempurna sehinga tiada kesan apa sekali pun?
12. Bolehkah kita percaya pesawat ini (MH370) jatuh dengan begitu tenang sekali di dalam lautan ganas (Laut Hindi) dan tenggelam dengan begitu mudah ke dalam lautan? (tanpa meninggalkan sebarang petunjuk)
13. Sudah menjadi amalan kebiasaan, apabila pesawat terhempas, sepasukan pakar akan tiba ke lokasi dengan segera untuk mencari punca terhempasnya peawat. Boeing dan pihak berkuasa SEPATUTNYA berusaha mencari kapal terbang tersebut. TETAPI Boeing langsung tidak menunjukkan minat mencari, dan sebenarnya seperti langsung tidak menolong proses pencarian.
14. Syarikat penerbangan nasional MAS telah mengendalikan pelbagai pesawat dan ada rekod yang cemerlang. Juruterbang MAS juga amat terlatih. Jika sekiranya juruterbang ingin membunuh diri sekalipun, sudah tentu pembantu juruterbang dan kru kabin tidak akan membenarkannya berbuat demikian (demi keselamatan penumpang). Tetapi kali ini, ada kemungkinan kesemua kru penerbangan sudah ‘dilumpuhkan’ sama sekali (melalui cara yang tidak kita ketahui)
15. Boeing perlu menjawab kesemua persoalan ini. Boeing mesti membuktikan kesemua kemungkinan mengapa sistem komunikasi boleh dimatikan. Boeing patut menanggung tanggungjawab kerana membina sebuah pesawat yang boleh tiba-tiba hilang begitu sahaja secara total di tengah-tengah udara.
16. MAS tidak bersalah. MAS terlah menerbangkan pesawat untuk menjalankan tugas. Tetapi pesawat Boeing tersebut telah bekelakuan luar dari kebiasaan. SIapa yang harus bertanggungjawab? Sudah tentu bukan MAS, tapi pastinya pembuat kapal terbang tersebut.. iaitu Boeing Aircraft Corporation
[Tun Mahathir bercakap benar, sesuatu yang kita memang fikirkan selama ini. Kami bersama Tun Mahathir!]

Friday, April 25, 2014




Tun Dr. Mahathir dan Presiden Vladimir Putin
pada 2hb Februari 2013 pukul 2.23 ptg

Siapakah Vladimir Putin? Apakah hubungan beliau dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir? Secara mudahnya, baru-baru ini, Vladimir Putin dipilih menjadi Presiden Persekutuan Rusia yang ke-4, selepas proses "tandemokrasi" beliau dengan Dmitry Medvedev (Presiden ke-3) telah tamat. Struktur politik Rusia amatlah berbeza sama sekali dengan kita, kerana mereka mengamalkan perlembagaan republik secara separa presiden, iaitu Presiden merupakan Agong negara. Cukuplah pasal politik, Putin seringkali dikatakan bahawa beliau sentiasa meluangkan masa bersama Tun Dr. Mahathir. Selepas Pilihanraya Presiden 2004, Putin telah menikmati kemenangan semula terhadap Nikolay Kharitonov, ketua parti komunis, sebanyak 71.9% dan lebih kurang 50 juta undi popular, dan selepas dari pertemuan dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir, Rusia telah menyambung reformasi ekonominya yang secara menariknya, lebih kurang sama dengan dasar Tun Dr. Mahathir. Ekonomi mereka melonjak naik!

Selepas pembubaran Kesatuan Soviet, pelbagai pembaharuan termasuk penswastaan yang tidak terkawal dan pasaran juga liberalisasi perdagangan sedang dijalankan. Tetapi, dibawah pimpinan Boris Yeltsin (Presiden pertama Rusia), ekonomi Rusia jatuh amat teruk sekali. Pada Oktober 1991, Yeltsin mengambil inisiatif seperti yang disyorkan oleh Amerika Syarikat dan serigala-serigala Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF). Jutaan telah menjunam ke dalam kemiskinan, daripada 1.5% penduduk hidup dalam kemiskinan, dan kadar kemiskinan meningkat kepada 39% - 49% menjelang pertengahan 1993. Dari sini kita dapat melihat cadangan IMF telah hampir menghancurkan Rusia. Tahniah, IMF.

Yeltsin telah memohon maaf atas kegagalan dasarnya, dan menamakan Vladimir Putin sebagai presiden-sementara untuk mempengerusikan Rusia buat seketika memandangkan Pilihan Raya tahun 2000 masih jauh lagi. Setelah menjadi Presiden yang sah, Vladimir Putin telah meletakkan unsur-unsur kawalan, perlindungan dan konservatif di Rusia seperti apa yang Tun Dr. Mahathir lakukan pada tahun 1997. Pembaharuan yang dibuat semasa Putin menjadi presiden Rusia telah dikritik hebat oleh negara-negara barat sebagai langkah yang tidak demokratik. Perkara yang sama berlaku dimana media barat mengkritik hebat Tun Dr. Mahathir pada tahun 1997, dan dasar-dasar yang diguna oleh Putin ketika itu hampir sama seperti Tun Dr. Mahathir.

Dasar ekonomi Putin adalah hampir sama dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir, di mana ekonomi dikawal oleh GLC. Ia adalah lebih seperti kapitalisme kerajaan. Ekonomi mereka tidak terlalu terbuka iaitu Russia mempunyai unsur-unsur kawalan, sama seperti Malaysia. Rusia pada dasarnya membuang semua dasar ekonomi liberal (terbuka), sekitar tahun 2004-2008 seperti pembuangan pengaruh IMF dengan membayar dengan segera seperti yang Tun lakukan. Terdapat banyak dasar-dasar dan pembaharuan yang berlaku selepas pilihan raya kali kedua kalinya dari segi ekonomi, dalaman, dan banyak lagi. Kebanyakkan yang berlaku di Rusia adalah hampir sama seperti semasa Tun Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri selama 20 tahun. Walaupun Putin dikritik hebat, tetapi lihatlah apa yang Vladimir Putin telah capai, berakhirnya tahun 2007 dengan pertumbuhan yang berterusan, purata 7% setiap tahun sejak 1998. Pada tahun 2007, KDNK Rusia adalah $ 2,076,000,000,000 (est PPP), iaitu KDNK keenam yang terbesar di dunia dengan perkembangan KDNK sebanyak 8.1% daripada tahun sebelumnya.

Kedua-dua mereka memilih untuk tidak menjadi liberal dalam apa jua yang mereka lakukan atau memperkenalkan dasar-dasar baru untuk negara masing-masing. Itu adalah yang paling penting. Untuk kes Anwar, beliau mahu segala-galanya untuk menjadi liberal, dari masyarakat, ekonomi dan sebagainya. Ini tidak akan berhasil untuk kita. Menjadi terlalu liberal sebenarnya akan membuka pintu yang lebih luas kepada "pencuri" antarabangsa seperti Soros, untuk mencuri, mempengaruhi dan banyak lagi pengaruh negatif.

Seperkara lagi, Vladimir Putin juga membaca buku-buku Tun Mahathir. Bukti boleh didapati dari salah satu ucapan beliau kepada Tun Mahathir selepas memberi Anugerah Persahabatan Rusia tertinggi kepada Tun:

“Mr. Prime Minister, in one of your books, you mentioned that the 21st century will become ‘The Global Century’ – the century of rapid, all round development of the Asia Pacific region. It looks as though, thanks in large part of your efforts, Malaysia has entered this century just as you said, it would”

Seperti mana yang diketahui juga, di Moscow, kelihatan gambar-gambar Tun Mahathir di papan iklan (billboard) dan di sepanjang jalan. Memang amat sedih apabila warga-warga, ahli-ahli ekonomi, dan kerajaan luar negara menjulang nama Tun Dr. Mahathir, Anugerah Allah yang sebenar, sedangkan kita di negara sendiri menghina beliau sebagai munafik dan lain-lain lagi. Cara beliau membangunkan Malaysia sehingga presiden mereka sanggup berjumpa Tun untuk meminta pandangan dari segenap segi.

Banyak lagi bukti boleh didapati daripada kajian dasar Tun Dr Mahathir yang telah selamatkan kita dari Krisis Kewangan 97. Lebih banyak lagi bukti yang boleh didapati ketika ekonomi Rusia kembali pulih. Dan secara menariknya, Tun Dr. Mahathir menjadi salah seorang yang bertanggungjawab daripadanya. Jadi, apakah ‘jenis’ orang-orang yang mengutuk beliau? Fikirlah sendiri. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Does Washington want War with Russia? By Bill Van Auken Global Research, April 24, 2014 World Socialist Web Site

Does Washington want a war with Russia? A review of recent US actions surrounding the crisis in Ukraine clearly poses what would have once seemed an unthinkable question. The Obama administration is playing a very dangerous game of Russian Roulette.
In the last 48 hours, the Pentagon has announced the deployment of US paratrooper units to Poland and the three former Baltic republics of the Soviet Union—Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—bringing US troops to Russia’s very border. Another American warship has been dispatched to the Black Sea and more US forces are slated to deploy to Ukraine itself this summer under an exercise known as Operation Rapid Trident.
These military moves by Washington are unfolding in the context of an acute crisis within Ukraine that, thanks to the machinations of Washington and its puppets, threatens to erupt into full-blown civil war.
Less than one week after signing a joint statement with Russia, the US and the European Union in Geneva pledging to end all violence in Ukraine and disarm illegal groups, the US puppet regime in Kiev has ordered its military to carry out an “anti-terrorist” crackdown against the restive Russian-speaking population in the country’s industrial southeast. To that end it has dispatched not only troops, tanks and warplanes, but also armed thugs from the neo-fascist Right Sector.
The Putin government in Moscow, which has desperately searched for an accommodation with Washington, appears to be waking up to the deadly seriousness of the situation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned in an English-language interview with the state-run RT television channel Wednesday that his government would treat an attack on Russian citizens in Ukraine as an attack on Russia itself. He raised as a precedent the August 2008 offensive launched by the government of Georgia on Russians in South Ossetia, to which Russia responded by intervening militarily to repel Georgian forces.
The implication that the Russian government would carry out a similar intervention to stop Ukrainian troops from slaughtering Russian-speaking civilians in the Donbas region should be treated with the utmost seriousness.
In the interview, Lavrov also observed, referring to the actions of the government in Kiev, that “the Americans are running the show in a very close way.” This is indisputable. The regime itself is the product of a protracted American intervention in the country’s internal affairs, with some $5 billion in so-called “democracy promotion” funding pumped into Ukraine since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.
These efforts culminated in the fomenting of a right-wing opposition movement to destabilize the Russian-aligned government of President Viktor Yanukovych by means of street violence. When a deal was brokered between the opposition and Yanukovych, Washington ensured that it was scuttled and the elected president overthrown by fascist paramilitary forces.
The prime minister of the regime brought to power by the February 22 fascist-led coup, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, was handpicked by US officials, who affectionately referred to him as “Yats.”
The point person for this operation has been US Undersecretary of State for Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, a former chief security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and the wife of Robert Kagan, the founding chairman of the Project for a New American Century. She has brought to Ukraine and to Russia itself the same policy of aggressive war that was implemented in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The way in which Washington calls the shots has been demonstrated in an even more sinister fashion with the launching of the first abortive “counterterrorist” operation in the Donbas in the immediate aftermath of a covert trip to Kiev by CIA Director John Brennan, and then its resumption in the immediate aftermath of this week’s visit by Vice President Joseph Biden.
From start to finish, the Ukraine crisis has been instigated by US imperialism. Every action Washington has taken has been directed at exacerbating and intensifying this crisis. The longer this crisis goes on, the clearer it becomes that US policy is directed not so much at Ukraine as at Russia itself. Ukraine, it would seem, is meant merely to provide the pretext for a war with Russia.
Short of that, it would be used to force a humiliating capitulation by Moscow that would only set the stage for redoubled aggression aimed at Russia’s dismemberment and transformation into a powerless semi-colony.
Presumably, those in the White House and the Pentagon believe that such a conflict would stop short of a nuclear war, but who knows?
The threat of a US war on Russia is also apparent in the flood of war propaganda being unleashed upon the public. Vladimir Putin is being subjected to the same kind of demonization previously reserved for Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, while the State Department and its faithful scribes at the New York Times serve up “photographic evidence” of Russian troops in Ukraine that has all the authenticity of similar “proofs” of Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction.”
What underlies the US war drive? In the run-up to the Ukraine crisis, Washington had grown increasingly incensed by Moscow’s role in blocking US war plans against both Syria and Iran, not to mention Putin’s granting of asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Earlier, there was the fiasco that Moscow dealt Washington in the US-backed 2008 war launched by Georgia against South Ossetia. The events in Ukraine suggest that US imperialism has embarked on a strategy to eliminate Russia as an obstacle to its drive to assert hegemony over the Middle East and, more broadly, the landmass of Eurasia.
There are also internal factors driving Washington to war. Social contradictions within the United States have reached a dangerous intensity. Masses of working people continue to bear the brunt of the capitalist economic crisis, even as Wall Street recoups its losses from the 2008 collapse and grows richer than ever. More and more fingers are pointing at the super-rich as the party responsible for unprecedented social inequality and misery in America.
As so often in the past, war provides an external outlet for internal social pressures and the danger of domestic unrest. Under conditions of overwhelming popular hostility to military intervention, one thing is certain: a war with Russia would rapidly lead to the shredding of the Constitution, the abrogation of democratic rights, the outlawing of political opposition and a massive escalation of police state measures.
The greatest danger would be to underestimate the threat of war. Even if it is averted or postponed in the immediate instance, the profound contradictions of the imperialist system make the catastrophe of a nuclear Third World War not just a danger, but an inevitability, outside of the working class mobilizing its strength internationally in a unified movement to put an end to capitalism.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Nonsense vs Common Sense - MH370

Nonsense vs Common Sense

Here's another interesting conspiracy theory.
But, please read it with a pinch of salt, though.

The American is withdrawing from the Afghanistan, one of their command and control system (used for controlling the pilotless drones) was hijacked by the Talebans when the American transport convoy was moving down from one of the hill top bases. The Talebans ambushed the convoy and killed 2 American Seal personnel, seized the equipment/weapons, including the command and control system which weighed about 20 tons and packed into 6 crates. This happened about a month ago in Feb 2014.

What the Talebans want is money. They want to sell the system to the Russian or the Chinese. The Russian is too busy in Ukraine. The Chinese are hungry for the system's technology. Just imagine if the Chinese master the technology behind the command and control system, all the American drones will become useless. So the Chinese sent 8 top defense scientists to check the system and agreed to pay millions for it.

Sometime in early Mar 2014, the 8 scientists and the 6 crates made their way to Malaysia, thinking that it was the best covert way to avoid detection. The cargo was then kept in the Embassy under diplomatic protection. Meanwhile the American has engaged the assistance of Israeli intelligence, and together they are determined to intercept and recapture the cargo.

The Chinese calculated that it will be safe to transport it via civilian aircraft so as to avoid suspicion. After all the direct flight from KL to Beijing takes only 4 and half hours, and the American will not hijack or harm the civilian. So MH370 is the perfect carrier.

There are 5 American and Israeli agents onboard who are familiar with Boeing operation. The 2 "Iranians" with stolen passports could be among them.

When MH370 is about to leave the Malaysian air space and reporting to Vietnamese air control, one American AWAC jammed their signal, disabled the pilot control system and switched over to remote control mode. That was when the plane suddenly lost altitude momentarily.

How the AWAC can do it ? Remember 911 incident ? After the 911 incident, all Boeing aircraft (and possibly all Airbus) are installed with remote control system to counter terrorist hijacking. Since then all the Boeing could be remote controlled by ground control tower. The same remote control system used to control the pilotless spy aircraft and drones.

The 5 American/Israeli agents soon took over the plane, switched off the transponder and other communication system, changed course and flew westwards. They dare not fly east to Philippines or Guam because the whole South China Sea air space was covered by Chinese surveillance radar and satellite.

The Malaysian, Thai and Indian military radars actually detected the unidentified aircraft but did not react professionally.

The plane flew over North Sumatra, Anambas, South India and then landed at Maldives (some villagers saw the aircraft landing), refuelled and continued its flight to Garcia Deigo, the American Air Base in the middle of Indian Ocean. The cargo and the black box were removed. The passengers were silenced via natural means, lack of oxygen. They believe only dead person will not talk. The MH370 with dead passengers were air borne again via remote control and crashed into South Indian Ocean, make it to believe that the plane eventually ran out of fuel and crashed, and blame the defiant captain and copilot.

The American has put up a good show. First diverting all the attention and search effort in the South China Sea while the plane made their way to Indian Ocean. Then they came out with some conflicting statement and evidence to confuse the world. The Australian is the co-actor.

The amount of effort put up by China, in terms of the number of search aircraft, ships and satellites, searching first the South China Sea, then the Malacca Straits and the Indian Ocean is unprecedented. This showed that the China is very concerned, not so much because of the many Chinese civilian passengers, but mainly the high value cargo and its 8 top defense scientists.

Don't believe the story? I don't expect you to but let's wait and see how the episode unveils itself. Or perhaps it will never be known until the next Snowden emerges."
 — with Jay ElSylvester J. DisimonKathleen MeredithEdwin LiewFelix ChongNik-Othman Wingo AbdullahPeter ChiaHashima HasbullahJames KooAlbert Chin Kion TeoMazlyn MustaphaRichard GuiHussaini Abdul KarimPoon Poi MingTham ThamsarakTuan GolimbiSen NathanRonnie Charles KlassenChris ChewJoe FernandezSelvaraja SomiahSean OonAdrian Banie LasimbangJerry RichJohari IsmailHerman ScholzJohn Nair Rajan,Jimmy OmarAven LimRoland GomesDixon ChokSoon-fen Chung,Ahjames Liew and Alice Lee.

Tips to Getting the Cheapest Airline Flights

Tips to Getting the Cheapest Airline Flights


After interviewing 10 travel agents in the area, we’ve compiled the very best tips for finding the cheapest flights.
  1. Book your flight 21 days before you want to fly: Booking a flight is like playing a game of chicken. Airlines want to get the most money possible for their tickets and have sophisticated computer algorithms that adjust their prices automatically. Book too early, and you might miss out on some major deals. Book too late, and you might be shocked to see prices skyrocket. The general consensus is to book your flight 21 days before your planned departure date to get the best deals.
  2. Tuesday is the best day of the week: Most airlines update their reservation systems on a Tuesday at 7pm GMT. People tend to buy the bulk of their tickets on the weekend, so airlines make changes on one of the slowest days of the week – Tuesday.
  3. Fly on Tuesday or Wednesday: Tuesday and Wednesday are the least busy days at airports, and are also the cheapest days to fly. As an added bonus, you’ll also have less people to deal with at the airport. Friday and Sunday are the peak flying days of the week, and are the worse, and most expensive days to fly.
  4. Book Early for International Flights: The best deals for international flying are found 11-12 weeks in advance. You can also try flying into smaller airports, which sometimes have better deals.
  5. Eat Your Cookies: Delete your Internet browser cookies if you’ve visited an airline site within the last 30 days. It’s been discovered that some airlines will raise prices for previous visitors to their websites.
  6. Compare Prices: Use travel search engines, in addition to airline websites, to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.